
Resolving dilemmas in the implementation of the new Law on Personal Data Protection

Attorney Petar Mijatovic from the Cvetkovic, Skoko & Jovicic Law Office held a seminar on 16 October 2019 on the subject of “Resolving dilemmas in the implementation of the new Law on Personal Data Protection”.

The purpose of the seminar was to provide answers regarding controversial situations that may arise during the application of the Law on Personal Data Protection, but also to resolve certain dilemmas that relate primarily to the basis for processing personal dat, firstly with regard to the consent of persons, the performance of contractual obligations and legitimate interest of the operator; data processing for direct marketing purposes; assessing the impact on personal data protection, data security and the appointment of personal data protection officers; the rights and obligations of operators and processors and their mutual relationship, as well as other contentious issues in practice. The seminar took place in amphitheater A6 of the Belgrade Business School – Higher Education Institution for Applied Studies in Belgrade.