
Category: Other

The National Bank of Serbia has provided an additional moratorium on loan repayment

The National Bank of Serbia has adopted new decisions on the delay (moratorium) of obligations based on loans and leasing: the Decision on interim measures for banks to mitigate the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic with the aim to preserve the stability of the financial system; and the Decision on interim measures for financial leasing providers to mitigate the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic with the aim to preserve the stability of the financial system.

New measures to support the economy

Adoption of the legal framework for implementing the second package of economic measures with the aim to further support the economy and mitigate the negative effects of the Covid-19 virus.

New measures in force nationwide as of 17 July

Nakon jučerašnje sednice Kriznog štaba, donete su nove mere koje stupaju na snagu u petak, 17. jula 2020. godine i koje će važiti za celu teritoriju Republike Srbije, bez obzira na to da li je u određenoj opštini ili gradu proglašena vanredna situacija.

New measures in force nationwide as of 17 July

After yesterday’s session of the Crisis Headquarters, new measures were adopted which will take effect as of Friday, 17 July 2020 and apply to the territory of the Republic of Serbia, regardless of whether a certain municipality or city declared a state of emergency.

Law on Amendments and Supplements to the Law on Copyright and Related Rights

The Law on Copyright and Related Rights has recently been amended and is in force as of 26 September 2019. The novelties provided aim to harmonize provisions of the national law with those of the relevant EU directives, establish a more efficient system of legal protection of copyright and related rights, and a more effective collective exercise of such rights.

Consulting and legal services Serbia

General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union

In April 2016, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union adopted the Regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data which shall apply starting from May 25th 2018. Although the Republic of Serbia is not a state member of the Union, the Regulation shall be applicable directly to certain business entities in the country.