
Category: Energy & Natural Resources

Law on Climate Change

At the session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia held on 18 March 2021, the National Assembly’s members adopted the new Law

Eco tax: deadline for submitting the application 31 July 2020

31 July 2020 marks the deadline for filing the application for the environmental protection and improvement fee, also known as the eco tax, pursuant to the Decree on criteria for determining activities impacting the environment based on pollutant emissions, fee amounts.

Law on the Protection from Fire

In focus: the new Law on the Protection from Fire („Official gazette of the Republic of Serbia“ no. 111/2009) has entered into force on January 6th 2010, and is being implemented as of October 6th 2010. The Law prescribes general obligations of all legal persons for the prevention and protection from fire, as well as specific obligations depending on the category of endangerment from fire into which the legal person is classified.