
Category: Construction

Law establishing the public interest and special procedures of expropriation and issuance of the construction permit for realization of the project “Belgrade Waterfront”

In focus: On April 9th 2015, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted by urgent procedure the Law establishing the public interest and special procedures of expropriation and issuance of the construction permit for realization of the project “Belgrade Waterfront” (hereinafter: the “Law”). The Law was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia no. 34/2015 on April 14th 2015 and entered into force the day following its publication, i.e. on April 15th 2015.

Working breakfast

Law office Cvetković, Skoko & Jovičić held a Working breakfast on April 1st 2015 on the subject of “Application of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Planning and Construction” at the premises of the Serbian Association of Managers who was also organizer of the event.

Project completion – US Embassy

The protocol announcing the legal completion of construction of the US Embassy in Belgrade was signed on May 15th 2014. The legal team of CSJ was led by Goran Cvetkovic, attorney and general manager of the entire project worth 130 million USD.

Grand opening of the US Embassy

The grand opening of the new United States Embassy in Belgrade was held on July 1st 2013. This project worth 130 million USD was entrusted to CSJ as legal advisors, with Goran Cvetkovic heading the legal team and acting in the capacity of general manager of the entire project.

New US Embassy

With the approval of the United States Government, CSJ has been engaged by Framaco International Inc. on the project of construction of the new US Embassy in Belgrade. The engagement includes providing all types of legal assistance and coordination of construction work, including planning, construction as well as contacts with government agencies and public companies in Serbia. The team of lawyers to work on the project will be led by attorney Goran Cvetković who has also been appointed general manager of the project worth a total of 130 million USD.

Mimoza – Tivat, Montenegro

Together with partners, Central European Estate commenced work on the due diligence report concerning its investment on peninsula Mimoza located near Tivat in Montenegro. The


French company Intermarché finalized the purchase of land in Belgrade designated for the construction of their first supermarket in this city. In Serbia, Intermarché already