
Adopted amendments to the Law on Nature Protection

The Law on Amendments to the Law on Nature Protection (“Official Gazette of the RS”, no. 71/2021) (hereinafter: the Law) was published on 15 July 2021, entered into force on 23 July 2021 and will be applied as of 1 January 2022.

Some of the novelties introduced through the adopted amendments to the Law are:

  • provisions which govern the planning, regulation and use of space, natural resources, protected areas and ecological network, have been amended so that plans have also become the basis for planning, regulation and use;
  • in the process of drafting plans, bases, programs, projects, works and activities, it is necessary to obtain an act on the conditions for nature protection (must be obtained for all hydroelectric power plants, regardless of its type, installed capacity and whether its location is within or outside of the protected area);
  • the concept and content of professional basis are defined;
  • the eligibility assessment procedure is carried out in accordance with the precautionary principle, based on the best available scientific evidence and methods in preparation of the plan or project, before submitting the plan for adoption, issuing location conditions, location permit or other approval for implementation or execution;
  • the section of the Law regulating the protection regime is amended;
  • the obligation of the manager of the protected area to organize a public hearing during public inspection is introduced;
  • the establishment of the Council of Users of the Protected Area is regulated, which consists of representatives of local self-governments, organizations and associations, and may include other members – holders of the right of use and experts, with an advisory role;
  • new economic offenses and misdemeanours are introduced.

Disclaimer: The text above is provided for general guidance and does not represent legal advice.

Copyright Cvetkovic, Skoko & Jovicic 2021

Law on Nature Protection pdf