
New measures against COVID-19: according to unofficial announcements, work during the weekend is enabled

According to the unofficial media announcements, the Crisis headquarters rendered a decision under which shopping centers, service facilities, cafés and restaurants will be able to work until 8 p.m. this weekend, with the application of all prescribed epidemiological measures (including the ban on playing music in catering facilities). These measures shall also be in force on Monday.

Furthermore, a stricter control of the application of safety measures has been announced for the weekend.

Apart from measures which relax the current limitations, a new measure which reinforces the existing limitations has been adopted. Namely, according to the measures which were in force until today, shopping malls and other closed facilities were obliged to enable that one person takes up at least 4 square meters of space. This limit is now increased to 9 square meters per person.

The new session of the Government, where measures concerning the New Year will be rendered, is scheduled for Monday.

We point out that the formal decision has not yet been published and that this notice is based on unofficial media announcements which refer to the statements given by members of the Crisis headquarters.

Notice 25.12.2020