
New measures for suppressing COVID-19

The Government of the Republic of Serbia has adopted new measures for suppressing COVID-19 which enter into force on Tuesday, 24 November.

The new measures include:

  • shortening of working hours until 6 p.m. for restaurants, cafés, bars, clubs, casinos and shopping centers;
  • mandatory wearing of face masks indoors, as well as outdoors in situations in which interpersonal contact cannot be avoided;
  • ban on all public gatherings with more than 5 persons, both indoors and outdoors (this excludes workplaces, educational institutions, stores, shopping centers and similar objects in which the limitation of 4 square meters per person is stipulated);
  • enabling work from home to all employees in cases where the work process allows;
  • strict control of wearing of face masks in public transport vehicles, with a reduction of the maximum number of passengers in the vehicle to one half of the declared capacity of the vehicle;
    strict control of the implementation of home isolation, home quarantine and self-isolation, as well as all the other measures currently in force.

The above stated measures shall remain in force for a minimum of 10 days, when the same will be reconsidered in accordance with the current epidemiological situation.

Notice 21.11.2020